that came with super mario world and super mario allstars.
and i'm getting yoshis island from my friend in a few days, too.
any recommended games? btw, no rpgs.
ill post pics when i feel like it.
here they are, and not neutered by newgrounds's shitty resizingness
Yoshi's Island
Yoshi's Island back
SNES games
SNES w/ SMAllstars onscreen
SNES w/ Mario World onscreen
SMAllstars cartridge
other stuff
Super Game Boy
Super Game Boy w/ Super Mario Land 2
Super Game Boy Manuel
Super Mario Land 2
guys, i just got a super gameboy with super mario land 2 from some dude's garage sale for like 10 bucks.
sml2 is actually pretty bad, turns out pseudo-8-bit gameboy games other than tetris haven't aged well.
i'll post pics once i get my camera back
New snes emulator you mean?