So yeah, I was at an EB games the other day with my friend, and I saw Ratchet & Clank 1 bundled with Going Commando for about $14.99, and then I fondly remembered how fun that was, back in 2002 or whenever. So I picked it up to see if it still held up by today's standards, and it really does. It's still as fun as it always was, being a damn fine platformer. The graphics are pretty good for an early PS2 game, and would still hold up now. The music is that usual Insomniac-style kind of happy-go-lucky stuff that is in every one of their games, lots of 7th chords and such. The only bad thing about the game so far are the controls, which are kind of good, but are not configurable. And the game runs pretty bad on PS3, so whenever the screen is getting buttfucked by enemies, the framerate chugs, which isn't that often, thankfully. I haven't finished it yet, but whatever. I'll do another shitty write-up about the second game after I play that.
EDIT: K, I popped in the second one a few days ago, and as usual, it's pretty bad. Framerate issues left and right, looks like shit on my 40 INCH 1080I HDTV THANK YOU VERY MUCH (but thankfully it has an option for output in progressive mode), but, you know, I was determined to play it, so I just got used to it. It was pretty fun until the part on Maktar after the battle arena where you have to do that electrolizer puzzle thingy, in which the whole game freezes up. I tried restarting and everything but it just wouldn't work. I know it's probably how the PS3 is reading the disc or whatever, and isn't related to if the disk is scratched or anything, but I'm going to try to rent it and swap the discs, and see if that works. The game was still pretty fun, btw. Just making that clear.
Now, for the third one. Framerate and janking issues are still the same, but thankfully there aren't any game-crushing bugs that prevent me from playing completely. The game itself is still probably one of my favorite PS2 games ever, and is the second best in the Ratchet trilogy in my opinion (the best being Going Commando). It's also probably the most open R&C game to date, with the SP system and everything. Anyway, I'm still having fun with it, so yeah.
Also, does any find the Rick Roll song really catchy?